Wednesday 2 November 2022

Psychographics: pair presentations


Who you are working with: Riya

The psychographic group you are researching: Succeeders

Introduce your example couple that represents your group:

1) Make up their names:

Charles and Elvira Astor

2) Where do they work/study?

Charles - Chartered accountant
Elvira - CEO

3) What do they do in their spare time?

Charles goes to play golf and Elvira does horse riding. They both go to the theatres to watch plays/musicals and go to see the opera.

Now suggest their media consumption:

Print: What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet? 

Charles reads the financial times and GQ - To read about hard news but men's fashion too. 
Elvira reads vogue - to keep up with women's fashion.

However, they tend to read the online version on a tablet.

Broadcast: What TV programmes/channels do your group watch? Radio stations? TV package – Freeview or Sky? Films?

They own sky TV and Netflix. They both listen to Classical FM and mainly watch BBC channels and view Apprentice and BBC news.

Online: What technology do they own? What websites do they visit (if any)? What social media do they use?

They own most types of technologies such as a computer, personal laptops, mobile phones etc.
They mainly visit work related websites - Charles looks at stock exchange websites and buying shares. Both use twitter - as most influential and famous people use this to get their points across, so they like to keep up to date with that.

2) Which psychographic group do you feel best fits YOUR lifestyle and personality? Explain how and why you made your decision and provide evidence justifying this.

I would associate myself to the mainstreamers as I mainly share similarities to the majority and do things that would be considered as the 'social norms'. I usually consume media products which are well known and look for products which are value for money e.g. I watch tv channels such as BBC and ITV,  I do buy foods from fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, I watch movies which most people do watch such as moves from the action genre.  

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