Tuesday 18 April 2023

Introduction to Postcolonialism

1) Look at the first page. What is colonialism - also known as cultural imperialism? 

The belief that native people were intellectually smarter and white colonisers had the moral right to control them as they were 'civilising' them - in other words, making them more like western Europe society. 

2) Now look at the second page. What is postcolonialism? 

A critiquing of a school of thought that came before colonialism. It exits to question white patriarchal views with a particular reference to how they relate to race.

3) How does Paul Gilroy suggest postcolonialism influences British culture?

Gilroy suggested that the criminalisation of immigrants and their descendants, especially those from Caribbean and south Asian background signifies the melancholic response the social and political groups that are essential to late modern British life.

4) What is 'othering'?

Othering is when we see people from outside of our society who are alienated from this society we live in and are 'different' to us. Practicing this means to exclude them from our social group.

5) What examples of 'othering' are provided by the article?

Nigel Farage used this for his referendum for leaving the EU by making a feeling of discontent of British society due to immigrants.

Love Thy Neighbour from the seventies which was based around a black family living next door a white family.

6) What is 'double consciousness'? 

Where people struggled to reconcile two nationalities or identities together. First used by a Black American author who grew up in white America.

7) What are 'racial hierarchies'?

The idea that some races are more superior than others. In western culture this often white supremacy.

8) What examples from recent media products challenge the idea of racial hierarchies? 

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 'Moo Moo' episode - Lt. Terry Jeffords is racially profiled by another cop.
Some shows choose to ignore the ethnicity of the character and the impact it has on the role.

  • Nick Fury's role as director of SHIELD in the marvel films, striving for a time when a persons ethnicity doesn't make a difference to anyone.

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