Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Magazines: GQ Language & Representation

 Language: Media factsheet

1) What are the different magazine genres highlighted on page 2 and how do they link to our magazine CSPs?

  • General interest
  • Special interest 
  • Professional
These link as GQ as it offers generic fashion advice but also target those who are interested in fashion and high-brow arts. It also offers articles from professional people so audiences in these similar work style would be interested.

2) Look at the section on GQ on page 2. How do they suggest that GQ targets its audience?

Their statement about inspiring men to look sharper and and live smarter would attract a large male audience, targeting the metrosexual males. They target through fashion and images and also offer their knowledge on culture. They employ writers who can target audiences who are achievers, seekers and activators psychographics.

3) What does the factsheet say about GQ cover stars?

They carefully select their stars, for example they have used Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford in the 2022 edition but have used an anchor not related to football but stated him as the "campaigner of the year". They constructed this image to create a stylish persona. The color code of black with gold adds to the sophistication and the lighting reflects his skin tone.

4) Pick out five of the key conventions of magazine front covers and explain what they communicate to an audience.

  • Puffs - catches the eyes of the reader. Provide information about the magazines contents.
  • Pull quotes - give inside knowledge, which creates a close relationship with the reader.
  • Sensationalism - language used to create a response from the audience.
  • Coverlines - shows what is in the magazine, creating a sense of a friendliness brand for the audiences.
  • Numbers - allows busy people to quickly read.

5) What is a magazine’s ‘house style’? How would you describe GQ’s house style? 

House style refers to the conventional look of a specific magazine in relation to its formatting and writing. GQ have a house style with "GQ" written but is behind the head of the subject, the subject is centered, usually giving a direct-mode-of-address. The cover lines, mast head and the subjects clothing is all colour coded to compliment each other.

Extension tasks: Look at the final pages of the magazine factsheet that focus on creating magazine pages for coursework. What can you take from this to help future coursework projects? 

  • The font size
  • Footer and folio/page number
  • Having a running head.

Language: CSP analysis

1) Write a summary of our annotations on the media language choices on the cover of GQ - e.g. colour scheme, typography, language, photographic codes etc. 

GQ have decided to go with a black, white and blue colour sceheme which is somehwat conventional and stereotypical of its target audience. The sans serif main flash cover line breaks stereotypes as it reflects a niche/artistic look. This issue is the 'fashion' issue which is portrayed through Pattinson, a well known actor/artist, and his choice of make up and clothing. The use of messy/gelled up hair reflects a 'rockstart' feel. This is further emphasised through the metal teeth, silver chunky chain, vest top and blood marks. The direct-mode-of-address is useful in capturing its target audiences- in this is who may be aspiring artists/fashion designers. 

2) Identify three specific aspects/conventions/important points (e.g. cover lines, colour scheme, use of text, image etc.) from each page/feature of the CSP that you could refer to in a future exam. Explain why that particular aspect of the CSP is important - think about connotations, representations, audience pleasures, reception theory etc.

Front cover: Robert Pattinson image - Art & Fashion issue

  • Model: Pattinson- a well known/established actor, this would lure target audiences in who idealise him. The hair and make up would stand out to a typical artist/fashion interested person. The niche look may stand out to not a typical GQ reader as it is much less luxury/high end and more artistic. 
  • Colour scheme: conventional stereotypical colours for a male audience. It reflects gender stereotypes.
  • Text: Use of serif and sans serif typography suggests how they may be targeting an atypical audience

Inside pages: Jonathan Bailey feature and fashion shoot

  •  Baileys style and stance is aimed towards a normal GQ reader and reflects a classy and sophisticated look. His confident posture and facial expressions reflect this too.
  • Low angel shot - shows his dominance but also how he is confident and proud of his metrosexual and queer identity.
  • The net shirt shows a more sexualised and submissive view of males showing how a "new masculinity" is approaching and how identities have changed. Men are now also being looked at (female gaze - Gill)

3) Apply narrative theories to GQ - Todorov's equilibrium, Propp's character types, Barthes' action or enigma codes, Levi-Strauss's binary opposition. How can we use narrative to understand the way the cover and features have been constructed?

  • Todorov - Starts with a new equilibrium as Pattinson is presented in a way which he feels empowered  due to his look and style. This reinforces traditional stereotypes of males being dominant and empowered through their hypermasculinity through aggression and violence. However Bailey would be in a state if disequilibrium as he is talking about his problems and issues he has, disrupting the peace.
  • Propps - Pattinson could be seen as a the main character so the hero, but also as a villain through the way the mise-en-scene is created. Make-up is used on Pattinson to make him look aggressive and violent through the bruises, cuts and marks, also through the hair and direct-mode-of-address suggesting his assertiveness, therefore constructing him as a villain. Bailey could be see as a damsel in distress as he is talking about the issues he is facing and perhaps illustrating how he is in need of a hero.
  • Barthes - action codes: The way Pattinson is shown with his violent looks and costume shows how he wants to beat some one up, showing his hypermasculine traits. Enigma codes: the costume choice of Pattinson and Bailey could be a questionable style. 
  • Levi-Strauss - Hypermasculinity vs new masculinity through Pattinson's aggressiveness and Bailey's queer and feminism touch. 

4) Analyse the cover and inside pages of GQ. Does this 
offer an example of Steve Neale's genre theory concerning 'repetition and difference'?
Genre's of GQ as well as other magazines is defined by fashion, style and the use if its well known celebrities. They use repetition of the fashion and celebrities is used through the use of Robert Pattinson and Jonathan Bailey and their costume.  

Representations: applying theory

1) How can Gauntlett's ideas on masculinity, gender and identity be applied to the GQ CSP pages we have analysed?

Gauntlett suggests that there is "slow but steady processes of change and transformation". We can see this example in the GQ magazine. We can see this through Jonathan Bailey who represents a change in the identity of masculinity which usually represents "absolute toughness" and "stubbornness", however, he represents a "new masculinity" which shows a more wider approach which is open to the feminist touch of feeling  and speaking out about our emotions and also looking a certain way. This would be more associated to a feminist trait. This shows how "the mass media is a force of change". 

However, Robert Pattinson reflects the more dominant view of hypermasculinity, showing of his power through his aggressive direct-mode-of-address and his violent make-up.

2) How could van Zoonen's work on feminist and gender theory be applied to GQ? Does the magazine challenge or reinforce these ideas?

reinforce van Zoonens theory that "gender is constructed... depending on social, historical and cultural contexts." GQ suggests that men can take on a more "new" masculine approach which has more feminist traits. Jonathan Bailey has more metrosexual-ness attitude showing how society has played a role in constructing his identity. However, the front cover with Robert Pattinson reinforces the gender stereotypes of hypermasculinity and you can see this through his direct-mode-of-address, the make-up showing bruises and marks showing his aggression.

3) Does bell hooks's work on 'corrosive masculinity' apply to GQ? 

No, as GQ has taken a "new masculinity" approach, showing the feminist side of masculinity e.g. metrosexual males due to the fashion aspect of the magazine. GQ subverts the "corrosive" and "toxic" masculinity that bell hooks talks about.

4) How does the Jonathan Bailey feature represent masculinity and sexuality? 

His classy and sophisticated look reflect dominant features of masculinity which are to be and look prominent, confident stance, powerful position. The use of the lower camera angle portrays him in a dominant position. However, the use of the clothing and the way he is positioned when in the chair and also his net clothing in the last picture reflects a more submissive and sexual representation, showing feminist traits. 

Representations: wider reading - GQ and the new masculinity

Read this CNN feature on how GQ is redefining masculinity and answer the following questions:

1) Which GQ issue is discussed at the start of the article and what was notable about it? 

"The new masculinity" with Pharrell Williams as the subject. His long Moncler coat and his clasped hands questioned the writer if GQ was still a mans magazine. 

2) How did Will Welch view GQ when he took over as Editor-in-Chief and what did he want to offer readers? 

He didn't see it as broken but wanted to redefine what a men's magazine. He wanted to help his readers, whether they were men, women or non-binary, with their "personal evolution". 

3) How has publisher Conde Nast responded to changes in the magazine industry and how did this impact GQ?

Conde Nast has moved their magazines on to more online platforms e.g. they ended Glamours print publication.

4) What did the GQ New Masculinity edition feature? 
  • Non-binary actor Asia Kate Dillon, NBA player Kevin love, rapper killer mike and other people talk about what it means to be a man today.
5) What did journalist Liz Plank say about toxic masculinity?

She wrote a book called "For The Love Of Man" which she states how no matter where she was, toxic masculinity was 'delicately transmitted and deliberately propagandized". She saw toxic masculinity everywhere.

6) How did Welch respond to suggestions GQ was responsible for toxic masculinity?

He states his it wasn't harmful until he took over and how he recalls other pictures of men having pedicure and manicure, and hoe he thought that this wasn't a big deal.

Finally, read this short GQ feature on masculinity and answer the following questions:

1) What does the article suggest masculinity involved at the start of the 20th century?

Involved all men having traits and having expectations such as strength, independence, courage, confidence and assertiveness.  Men were the breadwinners and done all the labour work. Traits such as showing emotions were discouraged.

2) What social change occurred from the 1930s?

The UK lost its industrial status with manual worker jobs and masculinity status attached to them in favour of office de-industrialised jobs and things such as post-it notes, group huddling etc. failed to correlate to what masculinity should be.

3) What is suggested about masculinity today?

Men are more "attuned" with self care and actively strive for it. Men ages 16-60 consult more with their doctors then women do. There is a change in men's behavior in their mental health, but more men still commit suicide with 84 men losing their life a week, to a cause of a "silent killer" due to masculine traits about not speaking out about your emotions. 

4) Why does it suggest these changes are important? 

These changes are important as men's suicide rate is higher then women with 84 men losing their life everyday dut to the fact that men aren't meant to speak about their emotions and that we should have our hard traits but also our soft traits and support though better health and happiness.

A/A* extension tasks

Read more of GQ's New Masculinity issue - you may need to register (for free) with the GQ website to access this. How is masculinity and identity discussed? Can you link it to any of our theorists? 

GQ New masculinity issue

  • Positive view of masculinity - taking care of yourself, there is a code of ethics that not only men need to follow e.g. making a seat clear for a woman. - van Zoonen: gender is a performance
  • Masculinity is demonised

  • Men don't hug  - funeral - Thomas Page McBee

  • Masculinity can be hard or soft - Gauntlett: gender fluidity

  • Assigning female at birth made they feel marginalised - subverts van Zoonen: Gender is not biology but a pattern of acts and rituals

  • Men are discouraged to talk about their feelings but women aren't

  • Toxic masculinity is critiqued through art - Al freeman

  • Photographer Collier Schorr suggests that when he talks photos for men that they have less facial expression perhaps because they are less emotionally expressive

  • Women can now have traits of toughness, tackling challenges - Gauntlett: Gender fluidity

  • Masculinity = a man being authentic to himself - Blair Braverman

  • Religion influences masculinity and what you should be done - Muslim marriage, “men are the maintainers of women” - Koran - van Zoonen: Gender is a ritual of acts

  •  Some couples are taking decisions to mix around with the traditional marriage gender stereotypes e.g. Shana Render takes care of the finances of the business - Gauntlett: Gender Fluidity

  • Men should incorporate feminine traits into their masculinity as women already incorporate masculine traits into their feminist values - Gauntlett: Gender fluidity

From the same issue, this is Will Welch's Editor's letter where he discusses the new direction for the magazine.

  • Context - society was wearing ‘blinders’ blinding them from sexual intimidation and inequality 

  • GQ isn't only trying to be for or about men - they want to engage with a smart, diverse and gender-nonspecific audience - Gauntlett: "The mass media is a force for change"

There is also a New York Times interview with Will Welch which covers GQ's new approach to masculinity. The New York Times has a paywall but you can usually read the first article you click on for free. 

  • Men have more of a metrosexual attitude now days - Gauntlett: Gender fluidity

  • Males fashion is evolving - Gauntlett: Gender Fluidity

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Magazine Practical Production


1) Use Google to research potential magazines that you could use as your brand/design for this project. Create a shortlist of three potential magazines and embed an example front cover from each one. We recommend looking at lifestyle magazines or a similar genre as these are more achievable to re-create.

2) Choose one of the three magazine brands to use for your project e.g GQ, Vogue or The Gentlewoman. Then find three different front covers for your chosen magazine and embed them in your blogpost. Analyse the fonts, colours and typical design. What is the language or writing style? How are the cover lines written? What camera shot is generally used for the cover image? You need to become an expert in the design and construction of this magazine and its branding.

"GQ" written in bold serif font and the "Q" is usually placed behind the head as it is a well established company. Cover lines written in a bold serif font and cover the whole edges/border of the magazine. The colors of the magazine and the cover lines/mast-head match the color scheme of what the subject is wearing, with the subject in the centre with a close-up with them giving a direct-mode-of-address.

1) On a Word or Google document, plan your main cover line (also called the 'main flash') - this is the main cover story that links to your central image.

"Rising Star"

2) Briefly plan the image you will need for the cover - model, costume, make-up, lighting etc. At this point, simply describe the image you need to capture.

  • Model - Viraj
  • Costume - Turtle neck with a long coat (brown) and necklace
  • Make-up - none
  • Lighting - Low key lighting 

3) Write the cover lines and any additional text you need for your magazine cover.




  • THE INTERVIEW: Viraj Singh Rattan talks all things fashion to impress

4) Sketch out your cover on plain A4 paper using your written planning. Take a photo of your sketch and upload it to your blogpost.



1) On your planning document, write the date, time and location of your photoshoot and the name of the model or photographer you will use (you can choose anyone to be your cover model or you can be the cover model yourself).

  • 09/05/2023 
  • 20:00
  • Corridor
  • Photographer - SKR
  • Model - Viraj

Publication to blog and evaluation

1) Once you have completed your design in Photoshop, go to 'File > Save a copy' and save your finished Photoshop magazine cover as a JPEG image. Then, upload it to your blogpost. 

2) Upload two genuine covers of the magazine you have chosen and put them next to your front cover. This is a brilliant way to check how professional your work looks alongside the real thing.

3) Write a short evaluation of your work: have you succeeded in your brief to create a new, original edition of an existing magazine? Does your cover stand up alongside the genuine covers of your chosen magazine? How professional is your work alongside those genuine examples?

I have managed to produce a magazine cover for GQ which looks original and follows the structure of majority of GQ magazines. It follows the key conventions of magazines and provides the audience with what they are to expect inside. I used a medium close-up which is similar to what GQ use for their covers. GQ also has a matching color scheme as the clothing of the subject matches the color of the cover lines and main flash

4) Finally, what would you do differently if you completed this assignment again?

I would sort the lighting out as I would prefer it to be brighter and do a photo with the subject giving a direct-mode-of-address as this makes it more eye catching for the audience. I would also use one cover line which covers hard news as a lot of GQ magazines covered topics like politics, economy or Brexit. 

Newspaper: Final Index

1) Newspapers: Weekly news stories from Mail Online and The Guardian  2) Newspapers: The decline in print media 3) Newspapers: News Values  ...