Monday, 18 December 2023

Videogames Index

 1) Videogames: Henry Jenkins - fandom and participatory culture

2) Videogames: The Sims FreePlay - Language & Representation

3) Videogames: The Sims FreePlay part 2 - Audience & Industries

4) Learner response: OSP assessment

5) Videogames: Women in videogames & Further feminist theory

6) Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Language & Representations

7) Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Audience & Industries

Horizon Forbidden West: Audience and Industry


Look at this YouGov blog on the console gaming audience and answer the following questions:

1) What statistics can you find for the number of male / female players for the major consoles?

  • PS5 have a 71% male vs 29% female audience whilst Xbox series X|S has 68% vs 32%. PC has 61% vs 39%, and switch has a 54% vs 46%.
  • Assassins Creed - 70% vs 30%, Halo - 73% vs 27%.
  • Animal Crossing - 39% vs 61%, Mario - 45% vs 55%.

2) What is the difference between 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers - and which do you think would play Horizon Forbidden West?

Casual gamers play less often and play on smaller consoles like the Switch, however hardcore gamers play more often and play more bigger brand games like Red Dead Redemption etc. and on PC or consoles like PS or Xbox. Players who play Horizon Forbidden West are more likely to be hardcore gamers. 

3) What are the different reasons YouGov researched for why players play games? Which of these would apply to Horizon Forbidden West?

  • To relax and wind down
  • To pass the time
  • To escape from reality for a while
  • To challenge myself
  • To complete challenges and puzzles
  • To interact with games from around the world
  • To do something I can't in real life
  • To have an emotional connection to a story
  • To gain mastery of something within the game
  • Out of habit
  • To create a world of my own

Look at the PlayStation website page for Horizon Forbidden West. Complete the following tasks: 

1) How is the game promoted to an audience?

There are a range of gameplay footage and the trailer. There is different section to read about the game and the different setting of the gameworlds within the game. There are quotes from Play Station stating how big of a game this is. There is also a character profile for the audience to get to know the characters (Blumler and Katz: Uses and Gratifications theory - Personal Relationships). 

2) What are the key features for the game listed on the site?

The different settings of the gameworlds, the different characters and the robots which you encounter. 

3) What information does the website offer players about the game world and characters? Give a few examples.

It talks about how the different setting are, and the atmosphere this creates, linking it to the storyline e.g. the underwater world holds mystery where you can unlock a hidden chapter in the ancient past which changes Aloy's life. The character profiles also introduce the character and tell the audience about the characters personality e.g. Aloy is presented to be independent and compassionate, she started as a outcast but has become a champion to mankind. She has a powerful drive.

4) What spin-offs and additional content are available as part of the Horizon franchise?  

Additional content available is that they have the soundtrack available, wallpaper and news about the game. 

5) Applying Henry Jenkins's work on fandom, what aspects of the website (you may need to scroll down) encourage fan activity and engagement with online Horizon communities?  

They have guides for cosplay on what the costume of the characters are like and the guides to make a paper origami of the monster robots - this allows the audience to engage with the product and create their own content.

Read this Wired feature on Horizon Forbidden West's open world design. Answer the following questions: 

1) Why did the writer enjoy Horizon Forbidden West?

As it was an open-world game, it allowed the writer to get lost in the game (Blumler and Katz: Uses and gratifications theory - Diversion). The writer suggests the game is "deliciously crafted".

2) How is Horizon Forbidden West structured for players when they first start the game?

It creates a structure and sense of the "goals for gameplay".

3) Why does the writer feel HFW created a more successful open world game than The Witcher 3?

As even though it was an open world game, it would take hours to do the quests and travel from one place to another, and you cannot do certain things within the game unless you complete them.


Industry research

1) Research Sony PlayStation Studios

2) What studios are part of Sony PlayStation Studios?

  • Asobi
  • Bend Studio 
  • Bluepoint Games
  • Firesprite 
  • Firewalk Studios 
  • Guerilla Games
  • Haven Studios
  • Housemarque
  • Insomniac 
  • London Studio 
  • Media Molecule 
  • Naughty Dog
  • Nixxes
  • Polyphony Digital 
  • San Diego Studio 
  • Santa Monica Studio 
  • Sucker Punch 
  • Valkyrie Entertainment

3) What notable games have they produced? 

  • Guerilla Games - Horizon Franchise 
  • Insomniac  - Marvels Spider-Man 
  • Naughty Dog - UNCHARTED 
  • Polyphony Digital - Grand Turismo franchise
  • 4) Now research Guerrilla Games. Look at the 'Explore' page in particular. Who owns Guerrilla Games and how does it reflect the modern videogames industry?

    It is an owned subsidiary of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. They employ more than 350 professionals from 50 different, so reflects the diversity of the gaming audience.  

    5) Choose one of the 'Guerrilla Spotlight' features and write three things you learn about the videogames industry and/or Guerrilla Games from the interview.

    1. A challenge faced in the industry is what would you want to implement and if it is possible due to the technical side of the industry.
    2. Tips to get into the industry would be to make game by yourself and with other people.
    3. To get into the industry, don't only play mainstream games but niche games too, to get in to the business side of the industry.

    Read this USA Today feature on Guerrilla Games. Answer the following questions: 

    1) Which three companies merged to become Guerrilla Games?

    Orange Games, Digital Infinity and Formula Game Development. 

    2) What other games and franchises were created by Guerrilla Games?

    Nijmegen Adventure, Oh Sh*t, Zelda: The Magic Wand of Gamelon and Killzone.

    3) How did Guerrilla maximise the Killzone franchise? 

    There was a hype for Killzone before its release, and so over a million copies were sold which then allowed it to get Sony to draw up a first-party contract for Guerrilla Games.

    4) What did Sony sign with Guerrilla in 2004? 

    A first-party contract with Guerrilla games ensuring that from 2004 onwards, all the titles that they would develop would be only on PlayStation Consoles. 

    5) How is Horizon Forbidden West described in the article and what is the next stage for the franchise?  

    The article suggests that Horizon Forbidden West is a
    totally different atmosphere. It also suggests that Aloy's journey in the game shows a different, soft side to Guerrilla Games. A new project, which would be VR and partnered with Firesprite called 'Horizon: Call of The Mountain' is in the future for the franchise.

    Regulation and PEGI

    1) What is HFW's PEGI rating and what age rating do you feel would be appropriate? Why?

    It is PEGI 16 which is understandable due to the violence and the kissing scene. 

    2) Why is regulating videogames difficult in the digital age?

    As due to being online, the rating can easily be passed and you could create a fake account and get someone else to get the the game for you.

    3) Are attitudes towards media content and regulation changing as a result of the internet? Explain your answer.

    Yes, people are becoming more cautious of the internet as it is very influential on the youth and has inappropriate content, so therefore regulation may be coming stricter. 

    A/A* extension tasks

    Read this fantastic GQ feature on Horizon Forbidden West - it takes in the history of the franchise, audience pleasures and also gender appeal and videogames. This is the kind of article that will make you an expert on the CSP and help you form opinions on the big media theories and debates. GQ is also another one of our in-depth CSPs too! 

    Read Factsheet 258 - Exploring the consumption of computer games. Look particularly at the application of media theory on the last two pages. You can find it in our Media Factsheet archive.

    Monday, 11 December 2023

    Horizon Forbidden West: Language and representation



    Read this review of Horizon Forbidden West in the Financial Times (should be non-paywalled but you can read the text of article here if needed). Answer the following questions:

    1) Why does Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing'? 

    As they always release a good game but another company comes a releases it at the same time. When Zero Dawn was released, Zelda: Breath of dawn came out soon after, and when Forbidden West was released Elden Ring came out straight away.

    2) What is the narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn? 

    The game took place a thousand years after a robots took over humanity. The survivors separated into different tribes who see the technology as suspicious or have religious reverence to them.

    3) How is the central character Aloy described? 

    "Gold with flame-haired heroine Aloy, who balances grit and tenderness as one of the most memorable new characters of its console generation."

    4) What is the narrative and setting for sequel Horizon Forbidden West?

    It is set from Nevada to California so all along the west coast. There is a threat to humanity which you have to resolve.

    5) What does the review say about animation and graphics?

    It is described as an eye-popping flex of PS5's muscles and that it is beautiful. The way the landscape, robots and the other characters are animated along with their facial expression, it is realistic.  

    6) What do we learn about the gameplay and activities in Horizon Forbidden West? 

    It is suggested that the gameplay offers
    robust and satisfying combat, and the transitions for Aloy between climbing and sliding are "ultra-fluid". The weapons and tools are great and patches have been resolved from Zero Dawn. There are more settings and things to see in the game for for players to explore, like underwater caves, towering giraffe bots etc.

    Close textual analysis

    Watch the trailer for Horizon Forbidden West:

    Answer the following questions:

    1) How is narrative, character and setting introduced in the trailer?

    The adventure and mission style narrative is introduced in the game through the voice over and that. The character is a female protagonist who is up against these robots who are taking over the world. The setting is established through the crane shots, just like a film. There are many settings located in the game. The post-apocalyptic time period of the game is further reinforced through the jungle.

    2) How is the game's open world / sandbox genre shown in the trailer? 

    Through the multiple setting and locations which you could explore and how you have the ability to try out what you want to. 

    3) What representations can you find in the trailer? 

    This game empowers females - it has a female protagonist who is the heroine (Propps character types). This is seen through how she is armed with weapons, the voice over of herself speaking talks about how she is independent. She is create to look like a lone-wolf.

    AQA recommends watching the following gameplay trailer in their CSP booklet:

    Watch the gameplay video and answer the following questions:

    1) How does the game use media language to communicate ideas about narrative and genre?

    Aloy is the main protagonist so is the heroine (Propps character types) as she is there to restore the peace (new equilibrium - Todorov). The other character who are with her, helping her fight the robots villains, can be seen as the donors. Binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can be seen through Good tribe vs Bad Tribe, or Aloy vs The machines. Action codes (Barthes) are created through all the weapons which shows some conflict is about to occur.

    2) What representations of people, places or groups can you find in the gameplay video?

    You can find representation of females through characters like Aloy. There are characters from the BAME community. Also, there are representations of indigenous people and tribes as there are multiple different groups and even the jungle location reinforces this.

    3) What audience pleasures are suggested by this gameplay trailer?

    Blumler and Katz - Uses and Gratifications:
    • Diversion - the game allows the audience to escape.
    • Personal relationship - audiences might bond with the main character Aloy, and other characters.
    • Personal identity - some people could see themselves as Aloy as she has a responsibility to look after the earth such as groups such as climate change activists and Just Stop Oil could be seen as this as they are trying to look after the world, and that if you don't then you who will. 
    • Surveillance - The game acts as a social commentary for the world will be like if we don't care about it.

    Narrative and genre

    Read this excellent Den of Geek article that addresses elements of narrative and genre. You can find the article text here if the link is blocked. Answer the following questions: 

    1) Read the opening to the article. How can we apply Steve Neale's genre theory to Horizon Forbidden West?

    The article suggests that the game sticks to a formula (Neals's repetition) and that the game is similar to Zero Dawn. 

    2) How many copies did the Horizon Zero Dawn sell and why did this influence the design of the sequel?

    The game has sold over 20 million copies so has significantly helped it reach a wider audience.

    3) How does the article criticise the story in Horizon Forbidden West? 

    That there are too many side characters springing out from nowhere, but they are reliant on endless dialogue.

    4) What do we learn about the gameplay? 

    It is a " "hunting" combat system game" where you have to take down robots which have taken over the world and learn to survive and live in this new world.

    5) What is the article's overall summary of the game?

    The article is generally positive to the games suggesting that the open-world genre of the game is a step in the right direction. It creates a fresh feeling from the concept due to genre conventions and has "ambitious artistic ideas".


    1) How does Horizon Forbidden West use narrative to create a fully diverse cast of characters?

    As humanity is destroyed, robots take over the world and recreate humans with the genetic diversity of humans but without the history and societal underpinnings of the 20th century which allows the game to have characters of all colours.

    2) What is orientalism? 

    A type of racism where the west thought the East was a threat and were all savages and so the Westerners had to go and civilise these people.

    3) How does the article suggest orientalism applies to Horizon Forbidden West? 

    The setting of southwestern U.S. and California is seen as Aloy's Orient. They have tribes, religions and customs. As Aloy is white and is the main character she is seen as superior and understand the stake the world is in. This is reinforced by the different settings. Also the elephant was common in war and used by Indians, Africans and other South Asians.

    4) Who is the player encouraged to identify with in the game and how does this influence how representations are constructed?  

    The player was asked to identify with Aloy and support her mission to save the planet.

    5) Finally, what did the writer of the article (an Asian American) feel when playing the game?

    She felt discriminated due to the Orientalism within the representations of culture, design choices etc.

    Focusing on Aloy and the representation of women in videogames, read this Forbes feature on the topic. Answer the following questions:

    1) What is the debate regarding Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West? 

    Regarding the attractiveness of Aloy.

    2) What examples are provided of other female characters and representations in videogames?

    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Genshin Impact and Bayonetta - they all have female characters wearing "skimpy outfits" and have sexist depictions of women 

    3) What are the issues facing the videogame industry in terms of gender?  

    The industry has issues with female employees and that female characters have all been made for the male gaze - male gaze and they are made for "attractiveness". PlayStation is facing gender discrimination.  

    A/A* extension tasks

    Read this interesting CBC article on indigenous representation in Horizon Forbidden West. How does it present issues regarding representations of Indigenous people both in terms of in-game and in the inudstry?

    When the game was played, one of the players was "weirded out by the esthetic of native imagery, native culture". Indigenous gamers and indigenous game developers were disappointed at what they called "stereotypical portrayals of indigenous characters and imagery. 

    Monday, 4 December 2023

    OSP: Final Index

    1) OSP: Clay Shirky - End of Audience blog tasks

    2) OSP: Influencers and celebrity culture

    3) OSP: Zendaya CSP - Language and Representations

    4) OSP: Zendaya CSP - Audience and Industries 

    5) OSP: Postcolonial theory - Gilroy and diasporic identity

    6) Baseline Assessment learner response

    7) OSP: The Voice - blog case study

    Women and videogames

     Part 1: Reading - Is Female Representation in Video Games Finally Changing?

    Read this short Medium feature on whether female representation in videogames is finally changing. Answer the following questions:

    1) How have women traditionally been represented in videogames and what percentage of the video game audience is female?

    Women have traditionally been represented as damsels in distress and are objectified. 42% of gamers are female according to a study "Distribution of Computer and Video Gamers in the United States from 2006 and 2017 by Gender".

    2) What recent games have signalled a change in the industry and what qualities do the female protagonists offer?

    Tomb Raider, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, The Last of Us, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and The Walking Dead series all have female protagonists or co-leading female stars characters.

    3) Do you agree with the idea that audiences reject media products if they feel they are misrepresented within them?

    I think to some extent this is true as if the producers misrepresent a certain group then the same group of these people as the audience will reject it as they feel the portrayal of them and their people is not correct. However some audiences will carry on using the product if they feel the storyline or the product is good and that the representation plays apart in the storyline.

    And now read this short Protocol feature on Anita Sarkeesian's talk to the Game Developers Conference in 2022. This covered the progress in gender representation in videogames and references Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. Answer the following questions:

    1) How does Sarkeesian say things have changed in the videogames industry in the last 10 years? 

    She suggests how much and how little gaming had changed over the years. She talks about how feminist voices in the gaming media and criticism has succeeded in holding companies and fans accountable for their behavior. 

    2) Why is gaming still male dominated? Make sure your answer here includes the statistics quoted in the article. 

    • Gaming studios have mainly male employees, female make up just 24% of staff.
    • There is a a lot of harassment in the industry - 38% of respondents  said that their company reached out to speak out about sexism, discrimination and harassment. 

    3) How has the conversation shifted on representation in videogames? 

    That speaking up about feminism in the videogame industry. According to Sarkeesian it is important to improve representation in videogames and to combat sexism and talks about the abuse and sexism behind closed doors in industries. She says that it would be a nightmare for gamers if developers "tell stories about women as real human beings".

    Part 2: Further Feminist Theory: Media Factsheet

    Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or here using your Greenford Google login. Find Media Factsheet #169 Further Feminist Theory, read the whole of the Factsheet and answer the following questions:

    1) What definitions are offered by the factsheet for ‘feminism ‘and ‘patriarchy’?

    • Feminism - a movement which aims for women to be treated equally like men in term of social, economical and political situation, and is not there to show women are more superior than men and is not there for 'man hating'.
    • Patriarchy - male dominance in society.
    2) Why did bell hooks publish her 1984 book ‘Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center’?

    She had identified a lack of diversity within the feminist movement and that diverse voices were marginalised from feminism. 

    3) What aspects of feminism and oppression are the focus for a lot of bell hooks’s work?

    That making women equal to men is flawed as not all men are equal to other men due to oppression, sex, and ethnicity. Gender should be looked at along with race, sex and class and encourages. 

    4) What is intersectionality and what does hooks argue regarding this?

    Intersectionality - overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. Multiple identities connect together to create an overall identity e.g. sex, race, gender, ethnicity, class and age etc.

    5) What did Liesbet van Zoonen conclude regarding the relationship between gender roles and the mass media?

    She suggests that there is a strong relationship between gender and communication but it is also the mass media that leads to much of the observable gender identity structures in advertising, film and TV. 

    6) Liesbet van Zoonen sees gender as socially constructed. What does this mean and which other media theorist we have studied does this link to?

    That it was made by the people with power to create a set of people who would be able to do certain things for society. This could be linked to Baudrillard's media-isation that the media has influence on society and culture. 

    7) How do feminists view women’s lifestyle magazines in different ways? Which view do you agree with?

    Feminists view lifestyle magazines as a source of oppression as is it exaggerates femininity showing them they they need to conquer their body insecurities. They suggest that magazines only tell women how to be the perfect mother, wife, housekeeper or as sex objects. I agree to this with a certain extent as I agree that there is sexualising and objectification of women in the media which shouldn't be there, however having a magazine which is telling people how to be the perfect mother or wife is not a negative thing at all and should be seen as a good thing.

    8) In looking at the history of the colours pink and blue, van Zoonen suggests ideas gender ideas can evolve over time. Which other media theorist we have studied argues things evolve over time and do you agree that gender roles are in a process of constant change? Can you suggest examples to support your view?

    Gauntlett also suggests things change over time. I think that gender roles are changing as many more women/mother are working and have a career than they used to and there are many fathers who are stay at home dads and work from home and also look after the house and pick their kids from school. There is also much more gender fluidity in the present day with the rise of LGBTQ+.

    9) What are the five aspects van Zoonen suggests are significant in determining the influence of the media?

    • Whether the institution is commercial or public.
    • The platform upon which they operate (print versus digital media)
    • Genre (drama versus news)
    • Target audiences 
    • The place the media text holds within the audiences' daily lives

    10) What other media theorist can be linked to van Zoonen’s readings of the media?

    Staurt Hall's encoding and decoding model/reception theory.

    11) Van Zoonen discusses ‘transmission models of communication’. She suggests women are oppressed by the dominant culture and therefore take in representations that do not reflect their view of the world. What other theory and idea (that we have studied recently) can this be linked to?

    This could be linked to bell hooks for oppression and also to W. E. B. Du Bois double consciousness as they are being viewed differently to what they usually are.

    12) Finally, van Zoonen has built on the work of bell hooks by exploring power and feminism. She suggests that power is not a binary male/female issue but reflects the “multiplicity of relations of subordination”. How does this link to bell hooks?

    This links to bell hooks as it links to intersectionality that power and feminism has to be looked at not only gender, but your class, age, sex and ethnicity, which gives an overall representation.

    A/A* Extension tasks: TED talk

    Finally, if you’re interested in some of these ideas, there is plenty more reading and watching you can do. For example, watch this TEDx talk by renowned Nigerian/American novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ‘We should all be feminists’:

    A/A* Extension tasks: Anita Sarkeesian Gamespot interview

    If you're interested in this topic and aiming for a top grade, read this Gamespot interview with Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency and think about some of the following questions:

    What reaction did Anita Sarkeesian receive when she published her videos on women in videogames? You can find more information on this on Sarkeesian’s Kickstarter fundraising page.

    She received a lot of
    hate and violence in the backlash with misogyny, sexism and threats. Her videos were also reported as terrorism. She also received this hate and threats through her twitter, Facebook, and Kickstarter and her email and website.

    How does Sarkeesian summarise feminism?

    Sarkeesian defines feminism as "Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings." It is working towards the equal treatment of women socially, culturally, institutionally and economically. 

    How has the videogame landscape changed with regards to the representation of women?

    There are now more female characters and protagonists in videogames especially women of colour however sexualisation and objectification of women still exists. 

    What is the impact of the videogames industry being male-dominated?

    It impacts the narrative, characters and genres. Having more women females will allow the games to be more creative and allow producers to think outside of the boundaries. It also allows the company to be more diverse.

    Newspaper: Final Index

    1) Newspapers: Weekly news stories from Mail Online and The Guardian  2) Newspapers: The decline in print media 3) Newspapers: News Values  ...