Poster is split into 2 halves, one with 50 Cent's face giving a direct mode of address and on the other side there is an image of a finger prints and 2 quotes, one on the right hand side and one in the middle.
There is a close shot of his face to show his superiority. The lighting is mainly dark, but his face is brightened up so his features are visible so we (the audience) can see who he is. Just how when we talk to someone we look at their eyes, the poster does the same as if we are talking to him.
Written or verbal codes:
" i am what i am" in a serif font - shows a sense of authority.
"Where I am from...." in a sans-serif to give it a modern vibe so it can appeal to a young audience as influential quote.
Logo at the bottom of the poster as a call to action for the audience/consumers to go to so they can buy/view their product.
Symbolic or non-verbal codes:
The jewellery he is wearing creates a sense of his dominance and shows how he has the power.
He has a serious facial expression which suggests that he is trying to raise concern about a specific topic. - Perhaps social injustice?
The fingerprints suggest something about crime, and by having a black person on the cover, it could be suggesting how black people are associated with crime. However with the quotes used, it may be suggesting how people can change, in this example it is 50 cent, who was involved with drugs, but just how he changed, it shows how we as an audience and the consumers can change. Reebok could also be suggesting that by using their products that it is a change and a new style.
There is a range of enigma in this advert. Why are the 0's and O's coloured? - This could be symbolising the fingerprints. What product are they trying to advertise? and Who is the target audience?
Mid shot of a male actor so you can see his waist and above. He has a direct mode of address with us (the consumers) to communicate with us and make the product seem more approachable.
The editing has made a black and white filter to make the product as well as the company original and authentic. The black and white shade create a contrast which appeals to the eye making the poster more appealing, therefore increasing the amount of people that view their product.
His face is lit up to create communication between the producers and the consumers.
Written or verbal codes:
"SPICEBOMB" reflects how the male poser is fresh, new and full of energy/flavour, reflects how there has become a shift in gender representations over the years- we are now seeing men topless rather than women with minimal clothes. The fact that it is written in capitals suggests how it is standing out to all men to make them buy the fragrance and will make them 'irresistible' to women.
Symbolic or non-verbal codes:
The actor is topless, which exposes his muscular body. This creates a sense of the stereotypes that men need to look strong and have muscles. He is holding bottle of aftershave which suggests how men now also need to look and dress (smell) a certain way. He is holding the bottle close to his lips, so looks like he is kissing it. This may suggest how irresistible it is and how much he loves it.
The colours of black and white create a sense of originality in the product and uniqueness.
Narrative codes:
Todorov: New equilibrium- once he uses the fragrance he will be irresistible to all women and they will all want to come after him.
Barthes: Action codes- he will spray himself.
Propps: Character roles- the fragrance can be seen as a hero and the male can be seen as a 'damsel in distress' as he needs to smell nice and be a 'bomb'
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